
任何危害或有可能危害参加者身体健康的活动, 比如划桨, 鞭打, 踢, 引人注目的, 打, 推, 推搡, 解决, 品牌, 还点了健美操.

任何危害或有可能危害参与者的精神健康和/或学业成绩的活动, such as not allowing adequate time for or interfering with academic commitments; activities conducted between the hours of midnight and 8a.m.; and forced exclusion from social and/or verbal contact with any other individual.

任何可能对身体或精神造成伤害的活动, 痛苦的, 或有害的, 例如强迫或要求饮酒, 食物, or drugs; excessive exposure to the elements; quests, 寻宝活动, 绑架, or strandings; physical or psychological shock; and activities causing physical or mental fatigue.

任何可能令人恐惧的活动, 道德妥协, 有辱人格的, 过度的尴尬, 具有欺骗性的, 或者提倡奴役, such as throwing items at or on the participant; carrying of items or wearing of apparel which is undignified; public stunts, 口头骚扰, and berating; requiring the participant to yell when entering or departing a physical structure or in the presence of designated individuals; the designation of “pledge entrances” or “exits”; running personal errands or servitude; intentionally creating labor or clean-upwork; scant clothing requirements or nudity at any time; and deception designed to convince the participant of impending pain, 受伤, 或non-initiation.

任何违反联邦法律的行为, 状态, 或当地法律法规或大学政策, 例如,在任何与入会有关的活动中非法使用酒精或任何形式或数量的任何受管制物质,以及违反亚利桑那州立大学学生行为准则, 包括未经授权进入, 袭击, 占有/盗窃/毁坏/损坏财产, 不当妨碍/干扰大学活动, 滥用/骚扰, 以及妨害治安/淫亵行为.